Fly Ash: Geotechnical Applications
Self-cementing fly ash stands as a hydraulic cementitious material, boasting pozzolanic attributes and a substantial calcium oxide content. This unique composition enables it to solidify and strengthen through a chemical interaction with water, mirroring the hydration process of Portland cement.
- Improved water demand
- Improved ASR mitigation
- Improved sulfate resistance
- Reduce permeability
- Decreased GWP over Portland cement alternatives
- Contributes to more sustainable construction
When Portland or Portland limestone cement is mixed with water, most of the cement forms insoluble calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H) gel and calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2). When introduced into concrete, fly ash reacts with the Ca(OH)2 to form additional C-S-H gel. In a properly proportioned mix, fly ash can improve many of the properties of concrete, including:
- Workability and consolidation
- Flexural and compressive strengths
- Pumpability
- Resistance to ASR and sulphate attack
- Project economics
Furthermore, fly ash cement provides a significant contribution to sustainable construction.
- Mitigation of shrink/swell properties in expansive clay soils
- Hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement recycling
- Structural fill
- Stabilization of aggregate bases
- Soil stabilization
- Soil drying
Product claims are based on proper use in accordance with recognized industry standards.