
Main Characteristics
- Unmatched Workability and Placement: Experience superior workability, pumpability, and ease of placement.
- Accelerated Setting Times: Achieve faster concrete setting, optimizing your construction timeline.
- Enhanced Durability and Plasticity: Benefit from improved concrete durability, cohesiveness, and plasticity.
- Exceptional Freeze-Thaw Resistance: Exceeds industry standards for freeze-thaw resistance, ensuring long-lasting performance.
- Chloride-Free Formula: Our formula is entirely free of calcium chloride or any other intentionally added chloride-containing ingredients, making it the ideal choice for concrete in contact with steel surfaces.
- Corrosion Prevention: WeatherMix will not initiate or promote corrosion of reinforcing steel embedded in concrete or galvanized steel floor and roof systems.
Why Weathermix®?
Weathermix ensures flawless, quality construction even in sub-zero conditions.
Optimized Cold Temperature Concrete
Permits placement of superior quality performance concrete in temperatures as low as -7.2 ̊C
Heating Time Savings
Reduced or eliminated heating and protection time in cold weather
Longer Construction Season
Extends construction season further into the winter months
Lower Labour Costs
Accelerated setting time leading to earlier finishing of slabs and lower labour costs for contractors
Flawless Finish
Superior finishing characteristics for flatwork and cast surfaces
More Options
High-early and ultimate strengths available
Guaranteed Quality
Meets the performance requirements of CSA and ACI specifications